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Aim & Objectives:

The aims and objects for which this Association is established are as follows:-

⇒ To promote and protect the privileges, rights, interest and prestige of the Association and its members and to promote co-operation amongst Advocates and other Association of Advocates.

⇒ To promote and maintain a high standard of conduct among members of the Bar.

⇒ To establish and maintain an adequate Library for the use of members and to provide other facilities to them.

⇒ To express opinion on proposed legislation and other matters of interest of the Association and to make representation in respect thereof.

⇒ To take necessary steps to prevent abuse of law or maladministration of Justice and to suggest remedies thereof through representation with peaceful means.

⇒ To make representations from time to time to the Authorities on matters affecting the Bar.

⇒ To make representations to promote, organize and participate in all India and International Lawyers Association and activities connected therewith.

⇒ To adopt all such measures as might be necessary or incidental to carrying out of the aforesaid objects.

⇒ To provide free Legal Assistance to the needy and weaker sections of the society.